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CEO Offers Foolproof Resume and Cover Letter Advice

It really comes down to three sentences.

I just interviewed Ladders CEO Marc Cenedella and in more than 15 years of working, I’ve never heard better resume and cover letter advice. It’s simple, effective and to the point. Marc breaks down exactly what you need to write in terms we can all understand and in a way that won’t waste anyone’s time.

The rest of the interview offers fantastic information as well. I just find that writing a good resume and cover letter are especially challenging.

Do your career a favor and watch the video. Below, I’ve summarized the other important points Marc makes, along with the corresponding time code. Good luck on the job search!

2:12 – Three things to include on your resume right at the top: What it is you do, what it is you want to do and what you’re looking to do next. You have to be obvious since a stranger is looking at your resume.

2:34 – The best format for a “professional summary” at the top of your resume. Include a line about the job titles you’re looking for next. Then include some achievements you’ve had in your current job and finally, the skills that you have.

3:08 – Remember that your resume is a marketing document for you. You’re selling yourself to your future employer. You have to market for the job you’re looking for. Don’t just send a list of the jobs you’ve had before.

3:48 – How to craft a cover letter instantly. You really only need three sentences: “Here’s what I do.” “Here’s why I like doing it.” “Here’s what I’m looking to do next.” So simple, yet effective. This doesn’t need to be long at all. In fact, many cover letters are sent via text or some other short message service now.

4:47 – Getting the salary you want. It isn’t necessary to tell a prospective employer what you’re currently making. Instead, tell them what your expectations are and the range of salary you’re looking for. This gives them some helpful guidelines.

5:12 – How to get an extra $5,000-$15,000 on your offer. Remember that HR managers have a salary range they are working with. Usually, job salaries aren’t budgeted to the nickel. Provide them a reason why you should get that extra bump. Maybe you’ll be traveling more or picking up additional responsibilities in the new role.

6:27 – Age discrimination in the workplace. It happens when hiring folks come to the table assuming certain things about you because of your age. This includes how you’ll act or perform on the job. Marc says age discrimination is actually mindset discrimination. Companies are worried that as people get further into their careers they might be less adaptable. Your job is to prove that you are an adaptable and flexible employee who will continue to grow and adjust with changes.

8:07 – Secrets to success in your new job. It’s all about being excited to help a company get ahead and do new things. The more productive and achievement oriented you are, the better you’ll do!

This story originally appeared on