Have you ever thought about how much a day costs in your life? A $3 coffee here, a $2 bus ticket there, and then, of course, you walk by your favorite store and see that shirt you’ve been eyeing and you just have to get it. There goes $40. The little things we buy to make it through each day can quickly add up—and most of us pay little to no attention to our daily tab. But what if we did? If you were keenly aware of how much you were spending every single day, would you still make the same choices?
In this GOOD Money series, we’re asking people to bare their wallets and show us their life in a day. Want to participate? Snap a photo of each item you purchase in a day, along with the cost, and tweet @GOOD with the hashtag #GOODmoney.
Ben heads up the investments division of a media accelerator in San Francisco.
AC Transit FS bus ticket: $4.20
I like taking the Transbay bus over the bridge, rather than squishing onto BART. I get to sit down and either read or do some work, and the view is magnificent.
Dark coffee, Small Foods: $4.37 including tip
We have coffee in the office, but I like to start my day with one of these. It’s a darker roast and, also, it comes in pints and I appreciate that. I was up working until past 11 p.m. last night, so today I really needed one. I need to start bringing in a reusable cup, but I also secretly really enjoy drawing Sharpie doodles.
Ahi poke, Da Poke-Man (food truck): $12.50 including tip
Normally I get a salad from Small Foods, but they didn’t have the one I wanted today. I really like poke, but this was doused in salt and almost inedible. Disappointing.
Petit Pot dark chocolate pot de crème and a small mocha, Small Foods: $10.24 including tip
This project is making me realize how much I’m spending. What have I become? Next week I’ll bring in my own food. But anyway, it’s been a tough day. We have a big event for the next two weeks, and coordination has been difficult—so maybe I deserve this? Maybe? Either way, here it is.
Belgian witbier; 21st Amendment: $9 including tip.
My friend Carrie messaged me and I headed over. I wished I could have spent more time with her, but it was really good to catch up. Hopefully more soon.
Volcano beef and a Sierra Nevada, Osha Thai: $38.95 including tip (I took the tip for two people).
Does this really count as Thai food? I'm not sure. That's literally an onion ring on top.
BART from Montgomery to 24th St. Mission: $1.95
There was a massive power outage in San Francisco, so the stations were eerily dark.
Pale ale at Alamo Drafthouse: $10 including tip.
I went to see Colossal, which started out funny, but turned into a film about domestic abuse. (I'd bought the ticket on a previous night, so that price isn’t included here.)
Lyft home to Berkeley: $30.60
It was late and I was tired.
Total ~ $122.00