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Donald Trump’s Childhood Home Is Listed On Airbnb, And It Offers One Very Graphic Detail About His Life

A sign on the wall offers more information than many of us would like.

New York offers no shortage of Airbnb opportunities, but one listing, recently sold for $2.14 million in March, offers guests a bit of American history as well as far more information than they’d ever care to know about Donald Trump’s early life.

Located in Queens, this Airbnb listing is touted as the childhood home of none other than President Donald Trump. This fun fact has been confirmed, so the only thing keeping you from staying is likely your lack of interest in Trump’s childhood and an unwillingness to part with $725 per night for the privilege of bunking there.

And we do mean “bunking.” The home is listed as having 17 beds and the ability to accommodate 20 guests, so for the right type of customer, $725 could be quite a bargain. However, there are a few quirks in the home that would have even budget-conscious travelers thinking twice about pulling the trigger on a booking.

First of all, there’s this life-size(ish) cutout of the president situated among some furniture that looks like it’s seen better days.

Image via Airbnb.

That large likeness of Trump would be easy enough to move — or burn — but it’s still one more thing you’d rather not deal with after a long day of traveling. The next item isn’t so much a practical burden as a psychological one.

The master bedroom, belonging at one point to Fred and Mary Trump, bears a stitched sign alerting (warning?) guests that this room is where Donald Trump was “likely” conceived. Thank goodness there’s no concrete evidence on the matter.

Following that bombshell, the handful of Trump photos scattered around the house are unlikely to even register.

Caveat emptor, Airbnb users. This 1940s Tudor home has some history and beds for days, but it’s not without its detractions, the scale of which will undoubtedly vary based on one’s feelings toward the sitting president.

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