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Random Act of Sport: Four Girls Are Teamwork Personified As They Evict A Rodent From Their House

This humane effort to remove a rat is nothing short of flawless

If you’re a motivational speaker or management consultant trying to educate a group on the benefits of teamwork, your entire job could be done just by screening them this short and sweet Twitter video of four girls coaxing, then forcing, a rat out of their home.

Not only does the video showcase the strategic elements of teamwork, but, for good measure, it ends with a remarkably solid and effective one-timer that would make Brett Hull proud.

Bask in the glory of their planning, execution, and bravery in the face of an unwelcome rodent houseguest:

The girls’ methods are solid and foolproof enough that you almost feel bad for the rat, until you realize that these pains – the bucket, the team, the barrier – were all taken to keep the little guy alive.

Sure, tumbling down half a flight of stairs only to get dusted with a swift broom stroke sending you into the front lawn isn’t the most dignified farewell, but when you consider the alternative (pest control), it’s the more desirable one. Even if it’s punctuated with “BYE BITCH” on social media.

It’s hard to pick an MVP of this championship-caliber effort. The one-timer girl at the doorway is the clear frontrunner, but the poor soul forced to share a bathroom with the rat to flush it out certainly had the least pleasant role.

The video doesn’t really highlight the individuals so much as it does the teamwork and strategy, but thanks to their newfound viral fame, we can put faces to these once-anonymous heroes: