In the fight to erase any stigma around breastfeeding, many women have made efforts to normalize the act simply by repeatedly showing it. By just taking selfies or discussing breastfeeding, progress has been made, but there remains work to be done to eliminate the shame and inconvenience that nursing mothers must endure to feed their children.
Recently, a new tactic has emerged thanks to digital photo editing software. PicsArt is urging mothers to use its Tree of Life edit on their pics to create colorful images that focus on the beauty of the act and bond, rather than the practicality of it, as other efforts do.
The project appears to be a success, with many tagging their colorful images with the #TreeofLife hashtag. Here are just a few of the many images that have been shared:
Remarkably, the “right” to post breastfeeding photos on Instagram is still relatively new. The photo sharing site just lifted their ban on the depiction of the act in April of 2015, less than a year after Facebook lifted its ban on the same practice. While the goal remains to eliminate the shame and stigma of the act itself, these transformed images show that art and beauty can go a long way in helping win that fight.
The hashtag began organically, but PicsArt was quick to offer their wholehearted support of the effort:
The #TreeOfLife edits are stunning breastfeeding images that highlight the beauty of mother and child in an artistic way. In a campaign to #normalizebreastfeeding, mamas all over the world are sharing #brelfies, and supporting each other through social media. What we love even more is how these women are editing photos not just for themselves, but as gifts for each other. The spirit of collaboration and the celebration of life is definitely something PicsArt supports 100%.
If you’d like to get in on the effort, you can grab the app here for your phone.