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A Coffee Shop Is Charging Higher Prices For Customers Who Don’t Say ‘Please’ And ‘Thank You’

It's a bold move but one that many are applauding.

We all know coffee shops are a part of millions of people’s morning routines. As such, customers are often in a hurry and weighed down with the responsibilities of a new day. Common courtesies tend to get tossed by the wayside under such circumstances, but one coffee shop is offering an incentive (or a disincentive, depending on how you see it) for its patrons to catch their breath and remember they’re dealing with people kind enough to serve them.

The sign in front of the shop says it all.

It pays to mind your manners at Cups Coffee and Tea in Roanoke, Virginia.

Speaking to local news outlet WDBJ, owner Austin Simms laid out his decision to tax the rude, saying, “I decided because I need to solve all the injustices of the world to start charging more for people who didn’t take the time to say hello and connect and realize we’re all people behind the counter.”

Not only are people overwhelmingly taking the side of the store in this battle to preserve manners and decency, but they’re even throwing in their own suggestions.