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Creative Dad Couldn’t Afford A Trip To Disney World, So He Recreated A Ride At Home

It didn’t take long for this crafty dad to fund a real trip to Orlando.

Disney World may be an American institution, but with one-day adult tickets costing on average between $105 and $201 (depending on ticket and time of year), millions of American families are simply priced out of making the trip.

However, one ingenious father didn’t let cost considerations keep his 2-year-old daughter from getting the theme park experience from the comfort of their own home.

Victor Peoro of Hellertown, Pennsylvania, knew he wouldn’t be able to afford the travel, lodging, and ticket prices for a trip to the Orlando theme park with his daughter Autumn, so he got resourceful.

Using a blue plastic tub and a first-person rollercoaster DVD, the clever dad created a unique and charming experience he’s dubbed the “poor people roller coaster” on YouTube.

It may not be Disney World, but it’s clear from the first clicks of the “ascending” ride that Autumn is having a blast nonetheless.

Following the tremendous feedback and warm wishes Peoro received via YouTube comments, he established a GoFundMe page to crowdsource a real trip to Disney World for his daughter and him, stating on the website “If you enjoyed our video, please think about making the dream come true!”

If you’re inclined to help this resourceful parent and his little girl find their way to Orlando, feel free to donate, but the effort has already met the family’s $3,000 goal.

Hopefully, for the sake of everyone who enjoyed the video, the father will record his daughter’s experience in the actual theme park. Based on her reactions to a plastic bin and a DVD, she’s going to be over the moon at Disney World.

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