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Marvel Writer Calls Out Kellogg’s For A Racist Cereal Box

Trevor Noah’s take on the controversy was perfect.

When it comes to representation of people of color in popular culture, how they’re seen is just as important as if they’re seen. That’s why a recent tweet by Marvel Comics writer Saladin Ahmed is so important. Ahmed noticed that on the back of a Corn Pops box there was an illustration featuring dozens of yellow Corn Pops characters frolicking in a shopping mall, while the only brown one was the janitor.

“Hey @KelloggsUS why is literally the only brown corn pop on the whole cereal box the janitor? This is teaching kids racism,” Ahmed asked Kellogg’s, the manufacturer of Corn Pops.

Ahmed believes the illustration promotes a stereotypical message to children: People of color are all blue-collar workers.

Kellogg’s quickly responded to the tweet and announced it would be changing the artwork immediately.

Ahmed thanked Kellogg’s for their quick response:

But not everyone was happy with Ahmed’s tweets and Kellogg’s response. An army of Twitter users began attacking Ahmed calling him a “crybaby” and telling him to “get a job.”

Trevor Noah had a brilliant take on why the illustration can only be seen as racist.