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This city offers the least stressful life in America, says new study

America is known for its bustling lifestyle, but one city tops the 'least stressed' list.

This city offers the least stressful life in America, says new study
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels
Askar Abayev

The United States is often defined by its fast-paced lifestyle, with cities that seem to never sleep and residents always on the move. While many cities strive to lead in economic power or nightlife, a recent survey highlighted a city that stands out in an entirely different, yet significant, way. The study revealed that there is still a city in America where people can live freely, in a relaxed and soothing state of mind, per Wallet Hub. Fremont in California has been titled the “least stressed city” in the US for the year 2024. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Harrison HainesRepresentative Image Source: Pexels | Harrison Haines

Experts point out that several factors contribute to a leisurely lifestyle, and Fremont excels at providing a low-anxiety, calming environment for its residents. The major two reasons for the rating are the laid-back lifestyle and the financial stability, per Daily Mail. The city was marked with one of the lowest financial poverty rates. Survey Analyst Cassandra Happe mentioned, “The best-run cities in America use their budgets most effectively to provide high-quality financial security, education, health, safety and transportation to their residents.” 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Andrea PiacquadioRepresentative Image Source: Pexels | Andrea Piacquadio

Speaking about the low poverty rate, she added, “Many of the top cities also have a very low amount of outstanding government debt per capita, which can prevent financial troubles in the future.” The analyst noted that stress is often unforeseen and comes with several responsibilities and other factors. She explained, “Some stress is out of our control, due to issues with family, friends or employers. However, where you live can play a big role in how stressed you are.” Fortunately, for Fremont, several categories such as safety, health, education and more are checked on the list. This significantly reduces the stress factor for several individuals. 


Fremont is also one of the best and stress-free places to live because the relationships and family life are also intact. The city has the lowest divorce rates and that speaks a lot for how families and relationships function in the city. Happe explained, “People also often want to raise their children close to their extended family. Therefore, current or prospective parents can benefit from narrowing down their choices to a few of the best cities that are within a reasonable drive of their family.” Fremont serves as one of the best in these aspects since it offers beneficial and affordable living. 

Representative Image Source: Pexels| Lewis McNealRepresentative Image Source: Pexels | Lewis McNeal

Happe highlighted that another one of the reasons for stress is the high cost of living. “Finding the best place to raise a family is difficult, between balancing an affordable cost of living with good educational opportunities, safety and enough recreation to keep kids entertained,” she explained. Fremont is highlighted as one of the “least-stressed” locations due to its accessibility and flexibility with several factors. Apart from these factors, the scenic beauty in Fremont is the cherry on the cake. Families enjoy several benefits that have paved the way for the city to achieve the title of one of the best in the US.