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Joanna Thangiah’s Illustrations Are Empowing Women on Instagram

She started drawing to overcome an eating disorder. Now, she uses her illustrations to empower others.

You don’t need to be a size zero to love your body. Joanna Thangiah’s pastel-colored inspiring illustrations show women of all shapes and sizes making body-positive, feminist declarations that everyone should hear. Her work began as a vehicle to work through personal problems, but now her illustrations empower others. “I initially started illustrating whilst I was in recovery from an eating disorder, as a way to help me love and accept my body, as well as help me deal with being diagnosed with a string of mental illnesses,” Thangiah said. “I was also in a turbulent relationship, which made me feel worthless and powerless. Drawing was the only thing that made me feel better about my situation, and it did give me the power to finally escape.”

(H/T Instagram)