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Chris Christie’s Appearance On A Sports Call-In Show Ends In A Shouting Match

The governor no doubt saw this coming but walked right into it anyway.

Lame duck politicians operate in a relaxed state knowing that there’s no re-election on the horizon. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, carrying with him a beach-closing scandal and a 15% approval rating, took his lame-duck status onto a local call-in sports radio show.

Only one week removed from a flurry of criticism following his family outing to a beach closed to the public thanks to a budget standoff, Christie appeared on WFAN during drive time with host Evan Roberts to talk sports. This was a patently bad idea but, as the 54-year-old also said about his beach trip, “I think I have proven over the last eight years that I don't really care about political optics.”

With Christie on-air, Mike in Montclair called in and didn’t wish to talk sports with the wildly unpopular politician. Instead, Mike insulted Christie’s appearance and the hypocrisy in taking his family out to a beach while a government shutdown kept the rest of New Jersey’s residents off of them. At one point, Mike explains, “You’re a bully and I don’t like bullies.” Christie let slip a timeless sports-talk insult, calling Mike from Montclair “a bum” and chastised him for swearing on the air.