Keith Hernandez Pretended to Break a Camera During a Mets Blowout Loss
— SportsCast (@SportsCast_THN) September 13, 2016
Last night, the New York Mets were losing 8 - 1 in the seventh inning when announcer Keith Hernandez decided to vent his frustrations on a TV camera in the broadcast booth. “We’ve had trouble all road trip with this camera,” Hernandez said as he gently tapped its lens with a highlighter. Then to the surprise of Hernandez and play-by-play partner Gary Cohen, the lens shattered. “How did that happen?” Hernandez said to the broken camera as Cohen writhed in laughter. “That’s not coming out of my paycheck,” Hernandez joked. “You have insurance on this thing. That’s the best thing that’s happened all year.”
Before fans had the chance to get upset over a large repair bill for the former Mets legend, ESPN’s Adam Rubin tried to clarify the situation.
But the moon landing was real so Rubin’s tweet wasn’t very convincing. So super sleuth blogger Shannon Shark at the Mets Police blog cleared everything up for the fans. “For some reason I see articles about Keith Hernandez breaking the camera last night,” the blogger wrote. “If he did, he did it with his mind since the camera ‘breaks’ before the highlighter hits in.” Whether or not Hernandez broke the lens or astronauts made it to the lunar surface, this guy deserves the final word on the story.