If you’re wondering whether a prosthetic device affects more than just the person wearing it, look no further than this video of 7-year-old Anu and her playground friends, now able to engage in a whole new way, thanks to an updated device courtesy of the NHS, Britain's nationalized health care system.
Anu’s right leg was removed shortly after she was born, and, until now, she had been fitted with a clumsier interim prosthetic that hindered mobility. Her parents lacked the money and means to pay out of pocket for a more advanced and useful model, but thanks to a $2 million influx of funding to Britain’s NHS that was earmarked for prosthetic upgrades, she found herself eligible for a new pink “blade” model.
As you can see below, she wasted no time in showing off its features to her excited friends.
Amid the hugs and ogling, one girl asked “Is that your new pink leg?”
(It would be quite a coincidence if it wasn’t.)
The funding may help as many as 1,000 other people like Anu who are in need of upgraded prosthetics or new versions of their existing ones. The devices generally run between $2,500 and $6,000 and require replacement every two years.
Anu’s father said of the life-changing gift, “Being a parent, it’s my responsibility to give her all the facilities a kid would expect to sustain a normal life. Whatever best is possible for the kids. Every parent will give you their best.”