People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has never been subtle about getting their message across. It once purchased a tombstone near the grave of Colonel Sanders with “KFC Tortures Birds” inscribed on it. They’ve also likened meat eaters to serial killer/cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer and had a Super Bowl ad rejected for showing women making sexual gestures with vegetables. On Inauguration Day, PETA is back at it, this time they’re combining sex appeal and patriotism to convince Trump supporters to go vegan.
On January 20th, people in Washington, D.C. will be treated to a new PETA ad on bus shelters, metro stations, and along the innagural parade route. The ad features reality-TV star Courtney Stodden dressed like Uncle Sam in what PETA calls a “curve-hugging crop top and a star-spangled top hat.” The ad urges inauguration attendees to go vegan by joining the Animal Party on its website. “PETA and I encourage everyone to start 2017 off right by going vegan, getting healthy, and saving animals’ lives,” Stodden said in a statement.
Changing the dietary behaviors of red-blooded conservatives who support Trump looks to be a tough task for the folks at PETA. A study published by Live Science found that only three percent of conservatives claim to be vegetarian as compared to ten percent of liberals. Evidently, most conservatives pro life views do not extend to the animal kingdom.