“How Republicans are born…”
Grover Norquist via Twitter.
When people complain about paying taxes, quite often they do so without considering the important institutions the money goes to fund. And they rarely ever mention what would happen if these public services lost their funding. Sunday, Grover Norquist, a prominent conservative economic standard-bearer and president of Americans for Tax Reform, got an earful on Twitter after tweeting about his daughter’s conversion to conservatism
\nHow Republicans are born...
— Grover Norquist (@GroverNorquist) June 25, 2017\n
Daughter, 8, has been savings up to buy her first Guitar.
Found it for $35. She had 35 exact.
Then...sales tax
Soon after, the people of Twitter ganged up on Norquist for not using the situation to teach his child how the tax would be used.
\nIt'll be awkward when she learns w/out sales tax that guitar would cost a lot more than $35+tax
— Bill P (@Bill_TPA) June 25, 2017\n
Because she'll be like 11 & smarter than you
\nDid you mention that you drove her to the guitar store on roads that were partly funded by sales taxes?
— John Schwartz (@jswatz) June 25, 2017\n
\nAnd using traffic lights which are installed by municipalities that greatly reduce the risk of death when driving?
— Shannon Copeland (@shinyshannon73) June 25, 2017\n
\nAnd using side walks that are paid by the city from tax payers dollars?
— Keith (@Political_5000) June 25, 2017\n
\nAnd police that protect her from being robbed of her cash.
— Liberal (@progressivehere) June 25, 2017\n
\nAnd firefighters and EMTs to provide emergency medical services that are paid for in part by sales tax.
— Yerba Dog (@YerbaDog) June 25, 2017\n
\nI agree, Grover, Republican policies only make sense if you're a small child.
— Jimmy Failson (@PraxisKenzie) June 25, 2017\n
\nDemocrats are born when non-intellectually-lazy parents explain to children that taxes pay for roads and other public services.
— Seth Samuels (@sethuels) June 25, 2017\n
\nHow bout the taxes that fund public elementary school music programs that provide a necessary foundation for our guitar teachers?
— Peter Butler (@mrgrimm) June 26, 2017\n
\nThis thread is beautiful
— Birdpoof (@Birdpoof) June 25, 2017\n
that's my gripe abt ppl who complain abt taxes in general: they should then forfeit ALL BENEFITS funded by taxes
After one Twitter user said he’d fork over $100 to buy the girl a decent guitar, Norquist admitted that he did have a discussion about the positive aspects of government with his daughter. But, he’s still skeptical about how his tax dollars are allocated.
\nI'll pledge $100 to buy her a decent guitar. I'm not rich. But I make enough that I'm happy to pitch in to help those less fortunate.
— Tony Rehagen (@trehagen) June 26, 2017\n
— Grover Norquist (@GroverNorquist) June 26, 2017\n
I bought my daughter the guitar.
We discussed costs and benefits of government.
If you think gov spends $ well--send them the $100.