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New York Residents Kindly Ask That Hotel Guests Please Close Their Shades Before Having Sex

Residents are subjected to hotel guests’ romps on an almost nightly basis.

Entering a hotel room for the first time, even for work-related travel, can stir up a little excitement in a guest. That excitement, when coupled with the invigorating aura of New York City, can lead to certain amorous trysts, preplanned or otherwise.

All that’s fine, natural, and probably healthy.

But the residents of Manhattan’s 10 Stanton St. would really like hotel guests to close their blinds before getting busy.

According to a recent New York Post story, the occupants of the Lower East side public housing complex have been privy to far more than they would like since the Public Hotel opened across the street in June. Not only is the trendy hotel hosting guest-room debauchery with the blinds open, but occupants are engaging in the act up against the glass.

The newly opened hotel, concepted by industry icon Ian Schrager, touts itself as offering “luxury for all” at low (by Manhattan standards) room rates. With that affordable luxury and the party-hard Schrager brand apparently comes the type of customers whose modesty escapes them from time to time.

I mean, if this is their idea of yoga, I shudder to think of their take on sex is:

This might not sound like the worst vantage point for many, but 10 Stanton’s residents have children and even grandchildren looking out the window, only to be greeted with such activity. Further, even the younger adults are getting a view they never asked for. “You see them having sex all the time, hands on the window. Not like I’m a peeping Tom, but from the corner of my eye, you can see this going on four times a week,” 26-year-old Melissa Santos told the New York Post.

Unfortunately, even with means and the inclination to press this issue through more formal channels, precedent doesn’t favor the residents of 10 Stanton St. Hotel rooms are treated like residences in terms of the privacy and rights afforded their occupants, so barring some extraordinary effort by the guests to put their escapades on display, the best neighbors could hope for is a hotel policy.

Or, you know, common courtesy and decency.