New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie attended Sunday’s game between the Chicago Cubs and the Milwaukee Brewers, and naturally he couldn’t let a delightful afternoon at Miller Park go by without engaging in his favorite pastime: bullying.
According to WISN 12 News, one of their reporters, Ben Hutchison, was seated with his relative Brad Joseph, who spied Christie (whose son is employed by the Brewers) trudging to his seat while toting nachos. From a distance of 30 feet, Joseph said, he was compelled to bark out Christie’s name and inform the governor that “he sucked.” Christie could not let this injustice stand, and so the two went at it.
“I called him a hypocrite because I thought it needed to be said,” Joseph explained. “He then turned around and walked all the way back towards me and got up in my face for what seemed like a long time but was probably only about 30 seconds or a minute."
Though no blows were exchanged, Joseph added that Christie’s knee bumped his while not-so-subtly hinting at an escalation, asking if Joseph wanted to "do something" and "start something."
He “was yelling at me. First he told me, 'Why don't you have another beer?' which I thought was a decent comeback, and I thought that was kind of funny," said Joseph. "Then he started calling me a tough guy."
Hutchison began recording video at the end of the confrontation, which can be seen here:
It’s not uncommon to witness a politician behaving badly while commingling with the general populace. But there’s a straight line running from his Sunday encounter with a chilled-out non-New Jerseyan in a Cubs replica jersey and his sport-bullying of teachers, union reps, reporters, and constituents at press conferences and various public events all the way to what appears to be his next gig: a replacement-level WFAN yakker who is driven to red-baiting when called a “bully” and a “fat-ass” by a frequent caller, Mike from Montclair. (Christie, who’s had a few on-air tryouts while WFAN ponders hiring him full-time, seems to be laboring under the delusion that Montclair is rife with communists, partially due to the fact that it was one of the few counties he lost in the 2013 election.)
In all of these instances, Christie is able to screw on his best tough guy persona because he’s backed by the trappings of power and authority. In Milwaukee, he was trailed by security personnel while grabbing a snack; the power of the podium allows him to pick off easy targets while dodging the actual questions posed to him; and his plush chair in a WFAN sound booth afford him the chance to ping a target sans interruption while cutting his opponent’s mic.
When his falsehoods and false blustering get called out, he can’t and won’t take the heat. On the weekend of July 4, he was caught lounging at a public beach that had been closed to the public. After photos shot by kicked up a justified ruckus, Christie denied he was there, saying "I didn't get any sun today." When a spokesman was confronted with the visual evidence, he offered another plainly evident and gratingly dumb lie: "He did not get any sun. He had a baseball hat on."
And when stripped of this backup muscle and confronted by an even bigger and more monstrous bully — the president of the United States — he curled into a fetal ball. Christie was reduced to dead-eyed and servile public appearances, a glorified gofer who reportedly fetched fast food burgers for Trump and was left to slog through the final five months of his term with a 15% approval rating because no one likes an incompetent bully, particularly one who’s been revealed to be a coward.
The Cubs topped the Brewers by a score of 4-2.