
19 Of The Best Signs From Last Weekend’s LGBT Pride Celebrations

This year’s parades have had a theme of resistance

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month is celebrated every June in honor of the raid on the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village on June 28, 1969. The first gay pride march was held in 1970 in Chicago, and since, pride celebrations have cropped up across the world. But this year, in light of the Trump administration’s attacks on not only the LGBTQ community, but minority groups across the country, pride parades have taken on a theme of resistance.

Last weekend’s pride parade in Los Angeles was renamed the “Resist March,” and in Washington, D.C., supporters of gay rights in the nation’s capital had an Equality March. During Trump’s campaign for president, he promised to be a “friend” of the LGBTQ community, but after taking office things have changed. His administration revoked protections for transgender students and he is considering a “religious liberty” executive order that would legalize LGBTQ discrimination.