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Husband receives a surprise raspberry buffet from wife because of a song lyric he misheard

The husband had never imagined that his misheard song lyrics would inspire his wife to surprise him on his birthday.

Husband receives a surprise raspberry buffet from wife because of a song lyric he misheard
Representative Cover Image Source: Pexels | viktor talashuk, Reddit | u/samx3i

Misheard lyrics often lead to funny mishaps, sometimes causing fits of laughter. For one man, a misheard lyric led to a heartwarming surprise gift from his wife that he will always remember. The man, who goes by u/samx3i on Reddit, recently shared a wholesome post on r/MadeMeSmile.

Image Source: Reddit | r/MadeMeSmile
Image Source: Reddit | r/MadeMeSmile

A fan of comics, movies, and music, the husband captioned the post, “My wife made me a raspberry buffet based on a misheard song lyric." He accompanied that with a photo of a platter showing a large tray filled with ogles of red-hued juicy raspberries, rows of chocolate-dipped cookies, packets of Ghirardelli chocolates, pretzels powdered in sugar crystals, cake, triangular puffs, and raspberry jelly donut.

Representative Image Source: Pexels | fotios photos
Representative Image Source: Pexels | fotios photos

The candid shot also displayed a bowl containing broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and other vegetables sitting atop the same counter, hinting that the photo was snapped in their kitchen. The post has picked up 34,000 upvotes and over a thousand comments in less than a day. More than the picture of the buffet, what captivated people the most was the hilarious story behind this buffet that u/samx3i shared in a comment. “I love my wife,” he said, “This is the raspberry buffet she made me for my birthday.”

Representative Image Source: Pexels | valeriya
Representative Image Source: Pexels | Valeriya

As it turns out, during his childhood, he was fond of listening to Prince’s “Raspberry Beret,” and often misheard its lyrics to "Raspberry Buffet." This is known as a “mondegreen,” a misheard word or phrase that is recreated into similar-sounding options. A mondegreen refers to a misheard word, phrase, lyric, etc., that is misinterpreted and recreated into new, similar-sounding options.

So, when he told his wife about his childhood mondegreen, his wife decided to surprise him. “Raspberries being my favorite food on the planet, I thought this Prince fellow on the radio had something in common with me, but he was so rich he could order up raspberry buffets whenever he liked, which I could only dream of,” he described. “Then along comes my wife, making dreams come true." Seeing the picture in the post, u/flatblade3mm commented, “That's like $150 bux of raspberries!” u/glittering_daikon_19 expressed, “It’s one of the greatest feelings to receive something like this from your partner. It means they listened, and they thought about something you said. They acted on those thoughts of you for no other reason than for you to be happy.”

Image Source: Reddit | u/gracideablossoms
Image Source: Reddit | u/gracideablossoms

u/the_watcher762351 flung a joke, saying, “Marry her again,” in response to which, u/samx3i wrote, “I would marry this woman a thousand times.” u/andreus, who was going gaga over the mouthwatering buffet, said, “I've never known I needed a raspberry buffet in my life until I saw this post.” “The is the sweetest thing ever. What a sweetheart she is,” exclaimed u/necessary-success234

Image Source: Reddit | u/weirdo0808
Image Source: Reddit | u/weirdo0808

For u/samx3i, this was just one moment, but it paved the way for vowing more wholehearted couple goals that he would share with his sweet wife. “Seems like a new tradition was just born,” commented u/most-board-2713 on r/phish, another Reddit community where he shared the same post.

Image Source: Reddit | u/sassydemure
Image Source: Reddit | u/sassydemure

“I used to think Prince was the most fortunate man in the world. Turns out I am,” the man reckoned while cherishing the raspberry buffet crafted by his wife.

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